
Is there ever really a true win-win?

A partnership is always a two-way street and takes time and effort from both parties to be successful.
Building and maintaining a both ways beneficial partnership between customer and supplier demands trust, mutual understanding and goals, and open communication.

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Blog: Is your organization tuned to survive?

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.” — Charles Darwin
We all know this universal truth behind the evolution of life on earth. This rule of nature is true not only for survival of species but also for survival of organizations.

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Blogi: 7 vinkkiä onnistuneeseen ERP-uudistukseen

ERP-järjestelmä, jolla hallitaan yrityksen kaikkia resursseja, on monille yrityksille juuri se keskeisin järjestelmä, joka mahdollistaa jokapäiväisen toiminnan sykkeen. Hyvin toimivalla ERPillä voit ohjata logistiikkaasi, hallita tilauksiasi, hoitaa taloushallintosi ja paljon muuta

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